Jewish History Lectures

Hello students of Jewish history! I am so pleased that you are here to share my passion for the story of this incredible people. I’ve been privileged to engage in the academic study of Jewish history and thought for over thirty years, and have been recording my lectures, with degrees of technical proficiency ranging from “cheap knockoff” to “tolerable,” since 2009. Whenever possible I make up the deficiencies in content and form by adding an extra measure of enthusiasm and a poorly told joke. If you’re willing to put up with me, and agree to not ask any hard questions, I welcome you to enjoy these lectures!

The most economical way to access my Jewish History Lectures is on my YouTube Channel. If you’re interested in studying in greater depth, I have some online courses that offer a more structured learning opportunity, with quizzes, readings, and an opportunity to interact with other students.

My most recent series is the Jewish History Lab, which was started during the pandemic and directly related to my work on a forthcoming three-volume survey of Jewish History under contract with Koren Publishers, Jerusalem. I’m working on it right now! The Table of Contents and the Series Introduction is available here, and members can access draft chapters (for more on membership, please click here).

For many years I delivered hour-long lectures that focused on individuals who shaped Jewish history. They are listed under the playlist Jewish Biography as History. Not in chronological order, rather in the order I delivered the lectures. You will probably have to search if you are looking for a particular person.

There are a few other playlists there that specialize in certain topics. Best if you visit the channel and poke around.

Here’s a brief video describing why I’m doing all this. Enjoy in good health.

Henry Abramson

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